Blog Post #4: Communication Technology

 Communication Technology: Postal Service

In different ways, the mail service has been a key part of communication and business for hundreds of years. Its roots can be found in ancient civilizations, originally created in China, but in the United States, the postal service was formed to make it easier for people to talk to each other, bring the country together, and help the economy grow.

The origin of the postal service came from ancient China, dating back to the first BC from the Chou Dynasty. “Early records from the first millennium BC show evidence of regular governmental postal service during the Chou Dynasty.  By the 12th century, organized postal services existed as per Marco Polo’s records. 

He reported the mailing of private letters by the Min Hsin Chu (a system of letter guilds) and the setting of post stages, as many as 10,000” ( ). 

10 Things You Didn't Know About the United States Postal Service - Online  Shipping Blog | Endicia

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I want to focus more on the transition of the postal service to America and its effects. One cannot say enough about how important the mail service is to the American way of life. It was a key part of connecting the distant parts of the country, making it easier for people to share ideas, and making business and trade grow. During the westward expansion, the mail service helped settlers stay in touch with their families. This helped build a sense of national unity and identity. According to, the Second Continental Congress set up the U.S. mail service on July 26, 1775. Benjamin Franklin was the first postmaster general. During the Revolutionary War, when there was no internet or phone to allow for instant contact over long distances, the mail that was carried by horseback riders on the rough roads between cities and towns was what kept the American colonies together. It was important for the colonies to stay alive that the mail got there as quickly and reliably as possible. So, three months after the fights of Lexington and Concord, the Continental Congress asked Benjamin Franklin to be the first Postmaster General and set up a national mail service.


The postal service was a big part of how newspapers, books, and educational materials got to people, which helped spread information and literacy. It was also very important for country growth because it connected rural areas to cities and helped businesses grow. Today, the U.S. Postal system has drastically changed. Even though digital communication has made it harder for the postal service to do its job, it is still an important part of the foundation for getting mail, packages, and essential services to people. Another benefit is that it makes sure that all Americans have access to dependable and cheap postal services. Its past and present effects on communication, business, and national unity show how important it is to American society.


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