
Showing posts from December, 2023

Blog #11: EOTO Final Presentations

  In the most recent final presentations, I feel like we as students collectively came together and agreed on our feelings about our usage of technology on a daily basis. We all seemed to express our desire to disconnect more and not rely on constant stimulus from our phones and computers. This would increase our productivity, focus, sleep, mental health, and our lives in general, however, technology has an iron grip on our age group as a whole as it has been integrated into a huge part of our everyday lives. In Jack O’Donnell’s presentation, two things stuck out to me about his technology use that I related to and learned more about. Academic Relationship with Technology: As college students writing papers and responses weekly while also experiencing the birth of AI sites, it becomes hard to be original with our work. When I first discovered AI generated content, it seemed harmless and just a tool to help me generate ideas for papers and other academic tasks. However, there is a huge

Blog #10: In the Age of AI

Frontline on PBS made an eye opening documentary called “In the Age of AI,” which looks at how artificial intelligence has changed society, business, and people as a whole. The documentary looks into the growth in AI technology through insightful coverage and in-depth interviews. It raises important questions about what these changes mean for work, privacy, and even the very nature of being human. It encourages viewers to think about how the transformative power of AI will change the future. The complexity of artificial intelligence systems is growing, and there are many positive and helpful aspects that can be acknowledged because of this growth. For one, advanced AI algorithms can quickly and reliably analyze large data sets to gain insight at a faster rate than a person would be able to, and this capacity aids business, healthcare, finance, and other business decision-making. Another benefit is that manufacturing systems powered by AI can resolve man made issues, and they are quicke

Blog #12: Relationship with Technology

  Our relationship with technology as a society has many benefits and negatives. We have so much access to so much valuable information, and we can constantly stay tuned in to updates around the world within minutes at our fingertips. However, besides all of these positive aspects, there are many negatives, especially to younger generations with the influence of social media. I myself have experienced many of the negative consequences.  I want to go into my personal relationship with technology and the role that it plays in my life. Since I was in middle school, I have had access to the internet and social media platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, Youtube, etc. It used to play a small role in my life and I used to not think too much about it, but as I have gotten older, social media has such a bigger role in young people’s lives. I am the oldest of three, and my youngest sister is 17. She had access to social media platforms like Tik Tok at a much younger age than I did. Yes, Tik Tok i